About me
My name is Saskia Bosman, born in 1961 in The Netherlands. I live in Culemborg, The Netherlands . Since childhood I have been interested in humans, nature and also perceive the world of subtle energy. I am a consciousness trainer and coach with a scientific background as a biologist. I am a medical and cellular biologist and later became involved in agricultural and marine biology. During my PhD job, I was already organizing and teaching courses in medical circles to learn how to use lasers. Since 1988 (I was 27 at the time) I have been facilitating people to come out of stress and into their power based on information from science.
In my trainings, such as brain training, I present this knowledge. I convey complex information understandably and enthusiastically engage groups in exercises. Herein, everyone’s own creative power is used for well-being and inner growth, which has its beneficial effect on work and private life. Over the years I have developed into an expert in the field of preventing and neutralizing (chronic) stress and fatigue. As part of this,
I also organize relaxing and inspiring nature and culture tours, where we meet free cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales), among others and ancient cultures. Cetaceans I have come to know as civilizations in the sea, without technology but with highly developed consciousness, from which we can learn a lot. For example, a group of 75 municipal officials (from the mayor to the field office) were able to benefit from this in a short training course I gave in November 2022.
Participants feel inspired to apply what I bring to themselves even after the training or trip. Many methods I teach are easy to integrate into daily (work) life. Participants notice that they make progress on all fronts. I like to deliver quality in trainings, from any workbooks through the illustrated presentation to the experience. My work does not stand still as I continue to research and educate myself to renew my trainings.
I offer the workshops based on my personal, scientific interest, knowledge and experience as a biologist in the relationship between body and mind. In doing so, my personal and social goal is to contribute to conscious human evolution. I am convinced that we are at the beginning of an evolutionary leap.
Where possible I frame this with my talents as a visual artist.
My company InspiRadiance is affiliated with Bewust Culemborg and Spiritueel Werkers Nederland. Both are networks of practices, stores and companies that have personal growth, health, well-being and/or sustainable entrepreneurship at the center of their work.
Over the past 4 decades I have taken various courses in energetic therapy, guiding workshops and meditations and I am an NLP Practitioner and live blood analyst.
As an independent researcher, during the summers of 2004 and 2005, along with a group of colleagues, I researched the synchronization of brain waves (electrical brain activity; EEG) with the Schumann resonance and the states of consciousness associated with it. This provided interesting insights on how we access the unseen world of energy and consciousness. About this I contributed a presentation to the Schumann resonance trainer/coach training. This research is being picked up again.
And I enjoyed doing the Schumann resonance trainer/coach training with Anton. The information from the Schumann resonance workshop is fascinating and the energetic exercises feel pleasant and complete to me. The Schumann resonance course fits completely into my offer of consciousness growth with a scientific basis. The Schumann Institute Netherlands: https://www.schumannresonance.earth. For this course and my wide range of activities, please visit my website https://inspiradiance.nl. Announcements appear regularly on my social media channels:
Telegram: https://t.me/inspiradiance
MeWe: mewe.com/i/saskiabosman
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/inspiradiance/, https://www.facebook.com/dolfijnenazoren/ and https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010329004507
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bosmansaskia/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/saskiabosman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saskiabosman15