Laden Evenementen

Online lecture and meditative exercises

by Saskia Bosman PhD, biologist from the Netherlands


This lecture is about a small but important gland in the center of your brain.

The pineal gland is the interface between inside and outside and plays a powerful role in our wellbeing and consciousness. How can you let your pineal gland support your wellbeing and inner growth? How can you decalcify the pineal gland? What can you do for attaining a healthy wake-sleep cycyle? How can you use your pineal gland for accessing your inner realms and other than the physical layers of reality? What did ancient cultures know about the pineal gland?

In this lecture an explanation will be given how the gland works and how you can stimulate your own wellbeing and inner growth.

Experience will be offered in the form of a guided meditation and two short techniques which support the functioning of your pineal gland.


About the presenter:

Saskia Bosman PhD is a biologist and independent researcher. Since over 40 years she delves into the human being, especially DNA, cells, the brain, consciousness and evolution, in the context of Earth and Cosmos. Saskia offers lectures, meditations, workshops, nature tours and movie shows, coming from a background of scientific interest, knowledge and experience as a biologist in the human body, inner growth and the profound relationship we humans can have with nature. She reconnects science, art and spirituality. She has a personal and societal mission to contribute to conscious human evolution in harmony with the rest of nature.

The online lecture is on Thursday, 10th  December, 2020

Please be welcome to join via Zoom:

Europe (CET, Amsterdam time) 19:30 – 22:00 (7:30 – 10:00 P.M.)

For the USA this will be around noon or in the afternoon.

For Australia and New Zealand this will be the next day, in the (early) morning.

Please consult a time zone converter, for example

Please register via the registration form or by sending an e-mail to Saskia Bosman,

Investment will be € 15.- for each participant, which can be paid to the Paypal account of

Please ask for the regular bank account if this is easier for you.

After your payment has been received a confirmation followed by a link  for entering the online meeting will be sent by e-mail. Please provide your (business name and) address for my financial administration and a receipt.

Privacy statement (in Dutch).