Wetenschappelijke informatie
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Populair wetenschappelijke artikelen (downloads)
Sleutels tot verjonging, rust en evolutie (v.h. Jouw evolutie in eigen hand)
in het tijdschrift Spiegelbeeld, april en mei 2017
Deel 1: Meditatie heeft diepgaande effecten op ons lichaam Bosman Spb april 2017
Deel 2: Je DNA anders van zich laten spreken Evolutie 2
Jouw pijnappelklier als kosmische antenne – deel 1, Spiegelbeeld, december 2016:
Jouw pijnappelklier als kosmische antenne – deel 2, Spiegelbeeld, januari 2017:
Jouw pijnappelklier als kosmische antenne – deel 3, Spiegelbeeld, februari 2017:
Wetenschappelijke artikelen (downloads)
Pineal gland
By Saskia Bosman, Ph.D., Translated and updated from: Bosman S. (2003) De chemie van denken en bewustzijn (The chemistry of thinking and consciousness, Dutch with English
abstract), Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde (TIG) 19/3, pp. 153-164
(a journal of complementary medicine).
The Pineal Gland: Master Gland and Interface.
Saskia Bosman, PhD, manuscript, published in Dutch: Bosman S. (2012), Pijnappelklier en bewustzijn in gezondheid en genezing (Pineal gland and consciousness in health and healing, Dutch with English
abstract), Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde (TIG) 27/2012, pp. 75-84 (a journal of complementary medicine).
Bosman Saskia & Van Dijk, Bob W.: Auditory Evoked Magnetic Fields from the Pineal Gland, Short Paper Proceedings ISEM (Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems) 2005, Bad Gastein (Austria) P6-15 (Eds. Pfützner H. & Leiss E.) page 236-237.
Pijnappelklier, bewustzijn en zelfherstel
Bosman, Saskia: De pijnappelklier – biologie e bewustzijn (oorspronkelijk: De chemie van denken en bewustzijn, Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde (TIG) 19/3(2003), p. 153-164:
Zelfherstel Hersengolvenartikel TIG 2003
Synchronisatie van hersengolven met de Schumann resonantie
Pijnappeklier, gezondheid en bewustzijn
Bosman, Saskia: Pijnappelklier en bewustzijn in gezondheid en genezing, Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde, Jaargang 27 (2012), p.75-84.
Pijnappelklier en bewustzijn in gezondheid en genezing TIG 2012
Literatuur van andere auteurs
Inclusief oudere, maar nog wel actuele literatuur
Includes older, but still actual literature
Lieff J., Neuroplasticity Primer and update (2013).
Invloed van stress en ontspanning op de neuroplasticiteit en
Invloed van meditatie en yoga op de neuroplasticiteit
Hölzel, B. K., Carmody, J., Vangel, M., Congleton, C., Yerramsetti, S. M., Gard, T., & Lazar, S. W. (2011). Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Neuroimaging, 191(1), 36-43.
Lazar, S. W., Kerr, C. E., Wasserman, R. H., Gray, J. R., Greve, D. N., Treadway, M. T., …& Fischl, B. (2005). Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness. Neuroreport,16(17), 1893-1897.
Lieff J., Meditation and the brain (2013).
Lieff J., Meditation and the brain update (2014).
Luders et al (2009): Luders, E., Toga, A. W., Lepore, N., & Gaser, C. (2009). The underlying anatomical correlates of long-term meditation: larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter. Neuroimage, 45(3), 672-678.
Malinowski Peter, Review article: Neural mechanisms of attentional control in mindfulness meditation, FrontiersinNeuroscience, Vol. 7(2013)p. 1-11.
Tang, Y. Y., Lu, Q., Fan, M., Yang, Y., & Posner, M. I. (2012). Mechanisms of white matter changes induced by meditation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(26), 10570-10574.
Vestergaard-Poulsen et al. (2009): Vestergaard-Poulsen, P., van Beek, M., Skewes, J., Bjarkam, C. R., Stubberup, M., Bertelsen, J., & Roepstorff, A. (2009). Long-term meditation is associated with increased gray matter density in the brain stem. Neuroreport, 20(2), 170-174.
Lieff J.: New Studies Reveal Higher Levels of Genetic Complexity.
Invloed van stress en ontspanning op de epigenetica
Bhasin MK et al.: Relaxation Response Induces Temporal Transcriptome Changes in Energy Metabolism, Insulin Secretion and Inflammatory Pathways, PLOS ONE, 1 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62817.
Invloed van meditatie op de epigenetica
Epel E. et al.: Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres, Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 August ; 1172: 34–53.
Hoge AE et al. (abstract): Loving-Kindness Meditation practice associated with longer telomeres in women, Brain Behav Immun. 2013 Aug;32:159-63.
Jacobs TL et al.: Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomeraseactivity, and psychological mediators, Psychoneuroendocrinology, June 2011Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 664–681.
Jahnke R.: 21st Century Breakthrough Researching the Benefits of Mind-Body Practice by Investigating Genetic Expression.
Kaliman P et al.: Rapid changes in histone deacetylases and inflammatory gene expression in expert meditators, Psychoneuroendocrinology (2014) 40, 96—107.
Mae-Wan Ho: How Mind Changes Genes through Meditation.
Pijnappelklier, biologisch
Brainforest, Science of the Pineal Gland, https://www.brainforest.org/post/science-pineal-gland
Brainforest, Development of the Pineal Gland, https://www.brainforest.org/post/pineal-gland-development
Calinescu A.-A. Et al., Transsynaptic activity-dependent regulation of axon branching and neurotrophin expression in vivo, J Neurosci 31(2011) p. 12708–12715.
Carlberg C., Gene regulation by melatonin, in: “Neuroimmunomodulation: Perpectives at the new millennium”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 917, Conti A., Maestroni G.J.M., McCann S.M., Sternberg E.M., Lipton J.M., Smith C.C., Eds., New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 2000, p. 387-396.
Dafny N.. Electrophysiological evidence of photic, acoustic, and central input to the pineal body and hypothalamus, Experimental Neurology 55 (1977) 449-457.
Johnson F.H., Haneda Y. (1966), Bioluminescence in Progress, Princeton University Press.
Klein, David , “Evolution of The Vertebrate Pineal Gland: The Aanat Hypothesis“. Chronobiology International 23 (2006): 5–20.
Kobayashi A., Kirschvink J.L., Magnetoreception and electromagnetic field effects: sensory perception of the geomagnetic field in animals and humans, ACS Advances in Chemistry Series No. 250, “Electromagnetic Fields: Biological Interactions and Mechanisms”, Martin Blank (Ed.), American Chemical Society, 1995.
Lang S.B., Maroni A.A., Berkovic G., Fowler M., Abreo K.D., Piezoelectricity in the human pineal gland, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Vol. 41 (1996) p. 191-195.
Quay W.B., Pineal chemistry (in cellular and physiological mechanisms), Charles Thomas Publishers, Springfield, IL, USA, 1974.
Reiter R.J. (1977), The Pineal, In: Annual Research Reviews: The Pineal, Vol. 2, 1977, Eden Press, distributed by Churchill Livingstone.
Robinson S.E., Vrba J., Functional Neuroimaging by Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM). Recent Advances in Biomagnetism, Tohoku Univ. Press, Sendai, 1999 pp. 302-305.
Wehr T.A., In short photoperiods, human sleep is biphasic, Journal of Sleep Research Vol1(1992)p.103–107.
Welker HA, Vollrath L, The effects of a number of short-term exogenous stimuli on pineal serotonin-
N-acetyltransferase activity in rats, J Neural Transm. 1984;59(1):69-80.
Wurtman R.J., Axelrod J., Kelly D.E., The Pineal Gland, Academic Press, New York, London, 1968.
Vladyslav V. Vyazovskiy, Faraguna U., Sleep and Synaptic Homeostasis in: Vyazovskiy_Faraguna_Curr Top Behav Neurosci 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Yamada H., Ogura A., Koizumi S., Yamaguchi A., Moriyama Y., Acetylcholine Triggers l-Glutamate Exocytosis via Nicotinic Receptors and Inhibits Melatonin Synthesis in Rat Pinealocytes , The Journal of Neuroscience, 18(1998)p. 4946-4952.
Pijnappelklier en gezondheid
Anrri (company), How Blue Light Affects Your Eyes, https://anrri.com/blogs/education/blue-light-affects (with many refenrences to scientific papers).
Azevedo B.A., Audiogenic seizures and the pineal gland, Biol Psychiatry. 23(1988 )p. 734-740.
Baconnier S., New Crystal in the Pineal Gland: Characterization and Potential Role in Electromechano-Transduction, Proceedings of the XXVIIth URSI General Assembly in Maastricht (August 2002) p. 203
Bayliss C.R., Bishop N.L., Fowler R.C., Pineal gland calcification and defective sense of direction, British Medical Journal (Clinical Research edition) Vol. 291, issue 6511 (1985) p. 1758-1759.
Brainforest, Calcification and Activation of the Pineal Gland, https://www.brainforest.org/post/pineal-calcification
Buchmann A., Ringli M., Kurth S., Schaerer M., Geiger A., Jenni O.G., Huber R., EEG Sleep Slow-Wave Activity as a Mirror of Cortical Maturation, Cerebral Cortex 21(2011)p. 607—615.
Chepesiuk R., Missing the Dark, Health Effects of Light Pollution, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol 117 No. 1(2009)p. A20-A27.
Doljansky JT, Kannety H, Dagan Y., Working under daylight intensity lamp: an occupational risk for developing circadian rhythm sleep disorder?, Chronobiol Int. Vol. 22(2005) p. 597-605.
Endroes R., Diagnose-Geraet zur Messung der Hormonalen und der Gefaess-Aktivitaet, patent no. DE2313790 (A1) ― 1974-09-26 , http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=DE&NR=2313790A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=4&date=19740926&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP
Figueiro M.G., The impact of light from computer monitors on melatonin levels in college students, Biogenic Amines Vol. 25, issue 2 (2011), pp. 106–116.
Galliani I. et al., Histochemical and ultrastructural study of the human pineal gland in the course of aging, J. Submicr. Cytol. Pathol. Vol. 21 No.3 (1989) p. 571-578.
Holzman D.C., What’s in a color?, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol118 No.1 (2010)p. A22-A27.
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Pandi-Perumal, S. R., V. Srinivasan, G.J. M. Maestroni, D. P. Cardinali, B. Poeggeler, and R. Hardeland.,Melatonin (Nature’s most versatile biological signal?), FEBS Journal 273 (2006):p. 2813–838.
Radley J.J., Stress risk factors and stress-related pathology, Stress 14(2011 ):p.481–497.
Redecke M. (1999), Über den Einfluss von elektrischen Feldern, Magnetfeldern und elektromagnetischen Feldern auf Epifyse (Zirbeldrüse) und das Hormon Melatonin (sowie weitere biologische Wirkungen).
Reiter R.J., Static and extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure: Reported effects on the circadian production of melatonin, J. Cell. Biochem. Vol. 5 (1993b) p. 394-403.
Reiter R.J. et al., A review of the evidence supporting melatonin’s role as an antioxidant, J. Pineal Res. Vol. 18, Is. 1 (1995) p. 1-11.
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Productie van licht door de pijnappelklier
Ashtari M et al., fMRI of Retina-Originated Phosphenes Experienced by Patients with Leber Congenital Amaurosis, PLoS ONE Vol.9(2014)p.1-12.
Bajpai RP et al., Light as a Trigger and a Probe of the Internal Dynamics of Living Organisms, J Acupunct Meridian Stud Vol.3(2010)p.291−297.
Bokkon I, Phosphene phenomenon: A new concept, BioSystems Vol.92(2008)p.168–174.
Carr S, Phosphenes: The Evidence, Ch.3 in Entoptic Phenomena, 1995.
Cervetto L et al., Cellular mechanisms underlying the pharmacological induction of phosphenes, British Journal of Pharmacology Vol.150(2007)p.383–390.
Gruesser OJ et al., On the history of deformation phosphenes and the idea of internal light generated in the eye for the purpose of vision, Documenta Ophthalmologica Vol.74(1990)p.57-85.
Multiple sclerosis encyclopaedia, Phosphenes.
Stiennon D, Phosphenism (als training).
Taylor PCJ et al., The neural signature of phosphene perception, Hum Brain Mapp. Vol.31(2010)p.1408–1417.
Weitering H, Why do we see colors with our eyes closed?, Science Line (2014).
Pijnappelklier en bewustzijn
Ackerly S. and Chia M. (2002), Dark Room Enlightenment, Lesser, Greater, and Greatest Kan & Li , Universal Tao Center, Thailand.
Bischof M. (1995), Biophotonen, das Licht unserer Zellen, Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland, ISBN 3-86150-095-7.
Callaway J.C. (1988), A proposed mechanism for the visions of dream sleep, Medical Hypotheses Vol. 36 pp. 119-124. Researchgate
Deane, Ashayana (nu: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas), “Voyagers deel 1, de slapende ontvoerden” en “Voyagers deel 2, de geheimen van Amenti”, Schildpad Boeken & Producties, Workum.
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McKenna T. & D. McKenna (1993), The Invisible Landscape, Harper, San Francisco, ISBN 0-06-250635-8.
Van Nieuwenhuijze O (2002) Elektrische signaalmeting van hersenfuncties (Deel 1: de ontwikkeling van de Elektro-Fysiologie), Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde, 18(5); 285-294
Van Nieuwenhuijze O (2003) Elektrische signaalmeting van hersenfuncties (Deel 2: de ontwikkeling van de Elektro-Psychologie), Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde, 19(2); 91-101
Oschman J.L. (2000), Energy Medicine (the scientific basis), Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London, New York, ISBN 0-443-06261-7.
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Sidorov L.G. (2002), On the possible mechanism of intent in paranormal phenomena and more studies,
Strassman R. (2001), DMT, the spirit molecule (a doctor’s revolutionary research into the biology of near-death and mystical experiences), Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont, USA, ISBN 0-89281-927-8.
Peake A., The Infinite Mindfield (The quest to find the gateway to higher consciousness), Watkins Publishing, London, 2013, ISBN 978-1-78028-571-9.
Roney-Dougal S, Where Science and Magic Meet, Green Magic Publishing, UK, 2010, ISBN 978-0-9561886-1-8.
De pijnappelklier als kosmische antenne, rol in de intuïtie en verbinding met het hart/
The pineal Gland as cosmic antenna, the role of intuition and connection with the heart
Ammon-Wexler, Dr. Jill (neuropsychologe), “Pineal Gland & Third Eye: Proven Methods to Develop Your Higher Self”, Quantum Self Group, Inc. (2014), ISBN-10: 099103791X, ISBN-13: 978-0991037919.
Anoniem, Heart Hormones.
HeartMath Institute, The Heart-Brain Connection.
Judith, Anodea, “Werkboek Chakra”, Altamira , Haarlem, 21e druk, 2015, ISBN 978-94-013-0206-7.
Laszlo E, Kosmische Visie (Wetenschap en het Akasha-veld), Ankh-Hermes BV, Deventer (2004), ISBN 90-202-8359-6.
Romijn H, “Hersenen en geest (Neurobiologische, Quantummechanische en Psychologische Aspecten)” /“Brain and Mind (Neurobiological, Quantum mechanical and Psychological Aspects)” (Dutch), Swets en Zeitlinger, Amsterdam/Lisse, 1991, ISBN 90-265-1046-2 (zoek antiquarisch).
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Talbot M, “The Holographic Universe“, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1991, ISBN 0-06-092258-3
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Oude en inheemse culturen
Akhenaten, Wikipedia (Engels).
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Cave Painting, Wikipedia (Engels).
Doble Rick, The Development of Consciousness & the Origins of Religion (blog Deconstructing Time).
Dreamtime, Wikipedia (Engels).
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Were the First Artists Mostly Women?Jones David, Secrets of Siberian Shamanism, New Dawn Magazine.
Kraaijvanger Caroline, Geloofden Neanderthalers in leven na de dood? hier.
Kuczyński Maciej, Biological Knowledge of Ancient Meso-American Indians, hier.
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McDonnell Ronan, Neanderthal Burial, hier.
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Siikala Anna-Leena, The Siberian Shaman’s Technique of Ecstasy, PDF hier.
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Wesselman Hank, Australian Aboriginal Wisdom, Shared Wisdom.
Wesselman Hank, The Dreamer, Shared Wisdom.
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Bodem en biofotonen
Video’s over bodemleven: Life in the Soil 1991 NL Qwa en The living soil (1982).
Video’s over bioluminescentie van o.a. bodemleven: Fungi time lapse videos׃ mould, mycelium and bioluminescence, Stunning timelapse of bioluminescant mushrooms! , The Elegance of Bioluminescence en National Geographic ¦ Bioluminescent Creatures – Documentary 2016 HD 1080p
Avis R, The Story of Soil.
Goraczko W, Slawinski J, Secondary Ultraweak Luminescence from Humic Acids Induced by γ-radiation, Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology, and Medicine, 2(2004)245–258.
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