Workshops in English
Following are my workshops in English for international audiences. The participation fees may differ, depending on location, organization and my travel and stay expenses. I invite you to organize a workshop together with me. Please be welcome to contact me by e-mail at
Dolphins – Humans– Whales, a deep inner connection
Workshop day with Saskia Bosman PhD, biologist
When you are connected to each other, you also each have a piece of each other within you. The moment you become aware of this, the group(‘pod’) feeling, the sensation of a group field, arises. A pod is a group of dolphins or whales. So we are going to discover the dolphin and the whale in ourselves in this workshop. These special creatures do not have a technological culture, but a highly developed culture of consciousness. In ancient times, humans have cooperated and lived together with whales and dolphins. They are now reaching out to us to do this again and develop into a culture of consciousness as well. This is part of the evolutionary leap we are making as humanity at this time.
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What does it bring you?
These self-aware, sensitive and intelligent beings help us unlock those qualities in ourselves that they themselves so visibly embody: joy, playfulness, flexibility, intelligence, sensitivity, empathy, vitality, wisdom and especially love. In addition, abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and other clear, inner perception abilities, in addition to telepathy and teleportation.
There will be minimal information given, as there will mostly be experiencing and sharing, so we all bring our knowledge, love and wisdom to create this playful workshop together.
We tune into our own universal love and build it up to a powerful energy field, our original creation power or Source power. From this field we will connect with the energy and consciousness of the dolphins in order to discover the playful, flexible, joyful, humorous and loving dolphin with all his/her special abilities inside ourselves. We communicate with them by sound, images, feelings and more forms. We will do this with the help of various meditative exercises and with whatever pops up in our group field.
Again we will tune into our own universal love and build it up to a powerful energy field, which we will experience even stronger and which will already carry our dolphin qualities. From this field we will connect with the energy and consciousness of the whales in order to discover the wise, loving whale with her/his millions of years old memories and all his/her other special abilities inside ourselves. We will communicate with them by meditation, sound, images and more forms.
Saskia Bosman PhD is a biologist and independent researcher. Saskia studies the interplay between biology, consciousness and inner growth since 40 years. She has had many special experiences with whales and dolphins and has discovered that they can assist us in the unfolding of many beautiful qualities and abilities inside ourselves.
Workshop times: usually 10 AM – 5 PM.
Meditating with Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
Video: A harbour propoise near Zierikzee, the Netherlands, by Saskia Bosman © 2018
Can dolphins, whales and/or porpoises be spotted near you?
Than we can organize an afternoon outdoors, watch and meditate with them, from the shore, a pier or from a boat when the weather is suitable and the sea/ocean is calm. To begin with we will make a heart connection with these intelligent, sensitive sea mammals.
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The inner connection we will make with them will awaken those qualities inside us that they embody so obviously: sensitivity, empathy, intelligence, love, flexibility, intense joy, the group (pod) feeling and many more beautiful qualities. During the meditations you will be guided to to connect energetically and communicate telepathically with the cetaceans on increasingly deep levels.
Workshop times: usually 2 PM – 5 PM.
The Pineal Gland, Your Antenna for Inside and Outside
A 2-day workshop with Saskia Bosman PhD, biologist from The Netherlands
Day-1: The Pineal Gland, Well-Being and Consciousness
How can you deploy your pineal gland for your well-being and inner growth? This workshop day is about a very small but important gland in the centre of your brain. The pineal gland is the interface between inside and outside. This gland plays a powerful role in our well-being and consciousness. In this workshop day an explanation is given how the pineal gland works and how you can stimulate your own consciousness expansion and well-being. This workshop day is interactive and we learn from each other. In between and after the talks the information is immediately applied in meditative exercises. We will go deeper and do more meditative exercises than in the lecture.
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Introduction: The pineal gland in well-being and self-healing.
- The role of the pineal gland in the maintenance of our well-being, in diseases and in recovery.
- The biology of the pineal gland.
- How the pineal gland regulates our wake-sleep cycle.
- The pineal gland as an interface between your body and environment.
- Calcification and decalcification of the pineal gland.
Experience: Support for your pineal gland.
You will learn several meditative exercises to support the cleansing and balancing of your pineal gland.
Introduction: Pineal gland and consciousness.
- What does the pineal gland have to do with our consciousness?
- The crystals in the pineal gland cells as possible transmitters and receivers.
- The pineal gland hormones facilitate different states of consciousness.
- Evolution of the pineal gland as a third eye.
Experience: Your pineal gland as an antenna for consciousness.
Meditations which support the experience of different states of consciousness.
Workshop times: usually 10 AM – 5 PM.
Day-2: The Pineal Gland, a Light Organ in Space and Time and Beyond
Is the pineal gland a light organ? What did ancient cultures know about the pineal gland? In this workshop day we explore the sensitivity of the pineal gland for light and other energies from space. Then we will journey through time and explore ancient and modern cultures and spiritual movements and their sometimes amazingly detailed knowledge about the pineal gland. Again talks and meditative exercises will be alternated. The meditations enable you to experience the content of the talks. This enables you to apply the information in a practical way. This workshop day is interactive and we learn from each other.
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Introduction: Light at the boundary.
- The light-sensitivity of retina-, brain-, pineal gland- and all our body cells.
- The perception of light behind closed eyelids: phosphenes as portals to our inner universe.
- The pineal gland, hormones and chakras.
- Light and the different states of consciousness.
Experience: Light at the boundary.
You will learn several meditative exercises for deploying the ‘Light at the boundary’ for your inner growth.
Introduction: The pineal gland, your greater being and the greater reality.
- Our pineal gland reaches further than the Earth atmosphere: sensitivity of the pineal gland for solar activity and other astrophysical phenomena.
- The pineal gland in ancient and modern cultures and spiritual movements: organ for access to the greater, perfect reality (beyond physical reality) and to your greater Being.
- Ideas about this from quantum physics.
Experience: Your pineal gland as a multifaceted organ of perception.
Meditative exercises that enable you to experience the subjects mentioned above in a positive and balanced way.
Workshop times: usually 10 AM – 5 PM.
Day-3: Quantum energetic work on the Pineal Gland
This day will be full of practical uses of your pineal gland. We will travel in space and time. We will utilize the quantum physical properties of the pineal gland cells and their crystals, including non-local effects. We will surf on the cycles of time and of our bodies. We will use the sound waves of our voice to tune the pineal gland to even higher frequencies than before. At the same time we will stay grounded in the Earth, our planet that is rising in frequency together with us.

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Introduction: Importance of the pineal gland for relaxation.
The importance of the pineal gland for your relaxation: end stress, bore-out and burnout!
Experience: Calming and simultaneously awakening the pineal gland.
- The pineal gland and the natural rhythmic pulsation of cerebrospinal fluid.
- The pineal gland as a multi-functional sense organ.
- Awakening the pineal gland with fire energy from the Earth.
Introduction: faster than light.
The pineal gland and its quantum physical properties: faster than light!
- Time traveling with your pineal gland.
- More sounds you can make for your pineal.
- Synchronizing all your biological clocks.
Saskia Bosman PhD is a biologist and independent researcher. Since 40 years Saskia delves deeply into the human being, especially DNA, cells, the brain, consciousness and evolution in the context of the environment (Earth and Universe). Saskia, as a biomedical scientist, offers this workshop based on her scientific interest, knowledge and experience in the relationship between body and mind, purposefully connecting matter and consciousness. Her personal and societal purpose is to contribute to conscious human evolution. For her articles on the pineal gland: Pineal gland and PinealTIGpaperupdated.
Workshop times: usually 10 AM – 5 PM.
Keys to Rejuvenation, Inner Peace and Evolution
A 3-day workshop with Saskia Bosman PhD, biologist
This 3-day workshop is aimed at rediscovering your inner calmness, peace and love, accessing your original creation ability, rejuvenation and the unfolding of your gifts, whether dormant or not. Everyone has an infinite potential. Therefore everyone has a natural tendency of self-healing and inner growth. Introductions are alternated with meditative exercises. During the meditations you will experience the content of the introductions so that you can practically apply the information for yourself. The workshop is interactive and we learn from each other.
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Day-1: Use Your Consciousness for Growing an Optimal Brain Circuitry
Introduction: Personal evolution by consciousness development.
As human beings we develop ourselves during our whole life, as a child but also as an adult. For all new abilities we learn we automatically make new connections between the cells of our brain (a form of neuroplasticity). Practice causes the new connections to become stable. This causes the new ability to become automatic, forming a base from which we can consciously develop ourselves further. We use our inner and outer senses only partially. We can open these much wider. How far can we go? Our brain can give us completely different experiences than we have now, such as a feeling of deep connection and different kinds of time. Are we our brain or do we have a brain? Do consciousness and growing awareness have a role? What is the relationship between our consciousness and body? What is the relationship between consciousness and matter? Can you (co)create your reality using your intention?
Experience: Brain and sense exercises.
You will learn meditative exercises by which you train your brain and (inner and outer) senses, using your intention. These exercises will help you to deploy your brain and (inner and outer) senses increasingly more. For example, better cooperation between your left and right brain and expanding the range of your senses. Then you will experience the cooperation between your intention, your (inner and outer) senses and your brain. What you practice becomes automatic and thus becomes a base from which your can continue to develop yourself further.
Introduction: How can you expand your consciousness?
About the journey of the human being through the layers (states) of consciousness to the profound experience of unity. What states of consciousness are these and how can you access these? How mystics and shamans do it. Experiences of astronauts. Expansion of consciousness is expansion of your reality. The cosmos as a hologram that can be (co)created. The roles the brain and the (inner and outer) senses play in this process. The role of the pineal gland. The role of love as a force that holds all layers of consciousness together. How to expand your consciousness without drugs and without decades of daily meditation.
Experience: Meditative exercises in consciousness expansion.
You will learn meditations to enter into states of consciousness in which you will experience inner peace, love, oneness and an expanded, enriched reality.
Day-2: Inner Peace to Support Brain and DNA
Introduction: Optimize your brain circuitry by meditation.
Meditation has a beneficial effect on the brain and on human functioning. The brain reacts to meditation by growing circuits (by neuroplasticity) which enable a deeper and more continuous experience of relaxation, unity, love and compassion. How does this work? What kind of circuits are these? Has it been achieved before? Has this been measured? Yes! How do you use your intention to create a new reality, first in your head and heart and then in the world?
Experience: Meditative exercises that support improvement of your brain circuitry.
You will learn exercises which support your brain and thus your functioning positively. The exercises are aimed at stimulation of the growth of brain circuits which increase the experience of relaxation, unity, love and compassion.
Introduction: How stress can influence your DNA.
The science of epigenetics increasingly shows that regulating proteins (the epigenetic system) in the cells can block or unblock our genetic information temporarily. In this way these proteins regulate which information, carried by the DNA, will express itself or not in our body. What controls this regulation? Stress and relaxation have (besides nutrition, exercise and a clean environment) a profound influence on which proteins do what and whether their work will lead to disease or health. When you study this you will discover that our consciousness greatly controls the functioning of our DNA.
Experience: To relax and to get rid of stress.
You will learn meditative exercises to get rid of stress and to enter into relaxation. This will support your DNA and its epigenetic system (the regulating proteins) to function optimally and thus to promote your well-being.
Day-3: From Inner Peace to Conscious Evolution
Introduction: How meditation influences your DNA.
Besides the experience of relaxation meditation has its own specific effect on our DNA, among which rejuvenation. This happens via the epigenetic system that regulates which DNA information is expressed in the body. This influence is linked to the neuroplasticity of the brain, specifically the capacity of the brain to make new connections among its neurons.
Experience: Meditations to support your DNA and epigenetic system.
We will do meditations aimed at inner peace and love in order to support a healthy and inner growth promoting functioning of your DNA and epigenetic system.
Introduction: From individual growth to conscious global evolution.
All scientific insights and inner exercises in this workshop up to here were aimed at personal growth. You clear your ‘house’, your own body from unnecessary ballast and stress down to the cellular level, creating a base for further growth. Personal inner growth shows itself on a daily basis in your functioning at home, with friends and family, at work or in school, college or university, in what you do or don’t. You also grow by interacting with others and with your environment and you can become increasingly aware of this process. This stimulates collective inner growth. You have entered the age of conscious evolution, in which you consciously contribute to a world that you (co)create and maintain.
Experience: Meditative exercises for your conscious evolution.
You will consciously let your own evolution unfold, which is already known deep within you. How would you like to grow further? Guided meditations will enable your vision about times to come to rise into your awareness from deep inside.
Workshop times: usually 10 AM – 5 PM.